Welcome to Mean Girls Week. Here are the Rules:
- Don’t wear a tank top two days in a row
- You can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week
- On Wednesdays, we wear pink
- You can only wear jeans or track pants on Friday
- Be effortlessly plastic
You must take a photo of your outfit every day and share your thoughts.

Somewhat lies.
More specifically, I got it for when I was working with kids who were volunteering for school credits or religious reasons, or those with various disabilities who were learning skills, or earning badges and even parolees doing community service. I thought maybe it would make me the “cool (cat) mom, not like those other moms.”
I’d be that chick who was with it. The totally relevant adult. People would want to talk to me and then donate to PALS, to foster and volunteer because we're totally hip.
And I'm in no way a fidgety-lame dictator trying to make community service and feline fecal flinging fun!
The t-shirt-plaid-skirt combo is very fetch and I think a respectable nod to the Plastics style and the characters like Janis – the anti-Plastic rule-breaker.
When I got this shirt I researched Superman so if someone needed it to start a conversation with me, I could reply – I worked with some autistic and really shy kids so having something to make connection less scary is always a plus so, I did some research.
Did you know - the “S” does not stand for “Super__” It’s the Kryptonian symbol for hope.
(Don’t @ me bro, comics evolve. As Damian sang: I am beautiful no matter what they say WORDS CANT BRING ME DOOOOOWWWN!!)
I always thought vanity didn’t fit Superman’s character, he didn’t name himself “Superman,” either. Kent picked a symbol of hope not vanity (and also looks sexy with his hair pushed back)
I wear this shirt when I’m working with last-chancers of human and animal kind as my uniform. Because…well, hope.
The word “hope” appears twice in the Mean Girls script:
- Once when Ms. Norbury learned Cady is really good at math and says: “Cady, I hope you join Mathletes.”
- The second time when the Burn Book is discovered and Principle Duvall says, “You better hope nobody else ever does see it.”
I hope you all join your own Mathletes even if it is social suicide. And I hope when venting or holding other peoples secrets, you find ways to counter with positive.
And this skirt is far too short per the dress code at my office and I don’t care.
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