People often misuse "Their/There/They're" and "Your/You're" and "Than/Then" not because they are uneducated, unintelligent or somehow less-than you and deserving of mockery...
Everyone makes these mistakes because we are taught to speak before we are taught to write. Our brains tend to have more practice related sounds to words.
That is why when you hear the sentence:
"Yer (your) Gramps is drunk again!"
and then
"Yer (you all) all goin' to git in trouble!"
You understand what is being said even if, on paper, the words are incorrect.
So, let's all be a little nicer on the uptake and acknowledge we probably ALL have made the sound-to-word mistake and give our fellow humans the benefit of the doubt in order to understand the message before we launch into shaming.
End report.
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