Did you make some type of resolution to foster cats or kittens? You should have.
If you are thinking about fostering kittens or cats, here is
a practical list of things you will need! It might seem like a lot, but, it’s
really not.
- Blankets: Something soft and easy to wash that you don’t mind poop and vomit on.
- Cat sitter: If you have to go away for a night or a few days, know you have someone who can watch the animals.
- Food bowls: One per animal, even if they all eat from the same dish. You don’t really even need to buy a bunch, use a small salad or appetizer plate. Small kittens will have better access to the food and won’t tip the plate as easily. Also, some cats don’t like whiskers touching the sides of bowls, so, get something with a lot profile or use a small salad or appetizer plate.
- Heating pad: Very young kittens need to be kept warm. They would normally be snuggling together and with their mom for warmth. Use a water bottle rapped in towels or any number of kitten-approved warmers (like Snuggle Safe). Also, make sure the area you are keeping your fosters in is nice and warm.
- Journal: You will need to record any mediation or behavior information for medical records or to track any possible problems.
- Litter box: Should be one per two cats or kittens. Remember, small kittens might need a lower-profile box to get into.
- Litter: Use dust-free and kitten approve if you have kittens.
- Lot of food: Dry food and stinky wet food. Cats and kittens live by smell, so, make sure you have stinky food to encourage eating. Kittens get their nutrition from wet food and bulk from dry food. Check with the vet or rescue about what they recommend.
- Pee cleaner: Accidents happen so you should have good cleaners that eliminate the urine smell so kittens won’t want to pee in the same space again.
- Pet Carrier: You will have to transport your animals. Sometimes a rescue will lend you a carrier, which you need to return. If not, you do need a good carrier that is the appropriate size and lined with blankets. This carrier will protect the animals in the event of a car accident and also provide a safe, controllable space.
- Space: Cats and kittens should have their own space they can hide in to feel safe and alone. It should be removed from people and understood that when the animals are there, they should be left alone.
- Toys!: Sure, they will play with whatever, but, have some toys for them to rip up and chase around.
- Water bowl: Cleaned daily, easy to access and not so deep that a kitten can get stuck in it. Though, they will, at some point, splash into it.
Additional no-charge items:
- LOVE: Endless, unconditional love even when they are being demons. A lot of these animals had a rough start and rough life – they need nothing but love.
- Time. A lot of fostering is just being there and letting the animal come to you. Read a book in the same room or spend time playing with the cat or kitten. Part of fostering is showing the animal that people are actually pretty cool.
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